NETGATE Registry Cleaner 3.0
NETGATE Registry Cleaner 3.0.505 adalah softwere untuk membersihkan dan defragment
registri Anda, mempercepat PC Anda, menghapus file yang tidak dibutuhkan pada
disk, menghapus jejak aktivitas. NETGATE Registry Cleaner 3.0.505 juga mencakup manajer Startup untuk mengelola
program dimulai pada Windows startup dan manajer Uninstall aplikasi berguna
uninstall. Mendukung penjadwalan scan dan opsi cadangan untuk keamanan yang
lebih baik.NETGATE Registry Cleaner Feature :
- Registry Defragmentation
- Registry Backup and Restore
- Startup Manager - manages all applications that starts at Windows startup
- Uninstall Manager - handy tool for quick uninstall of application from your system
- Backup - all removed items are stored in backup until permanent deletition; it can be restored anytime
- Registry Cleanup:
- Missing Shared Library
- Unused File Extension
- Invalid ActiveX/COM
- Invalid Type Library
- Open with Application
- Edit with Application
- Print with Application
- Application Paths
- Missing Help File
- Installer Reference
- Uninstall Entry
- Software Installations
- Startup Entry
- MUI Cache
- Invalid Open/Save Entry
- Old StartMenu Ordering Entry
- Invalid Default Icon
- Invalid/Empty Class
- Missing Type Library
- Empty Keys
Disk Cleanup :
- Invalid Desktop Icon
- Invalid StartMenu Item
- Internet Explorer Cache
- Firefox Cache
- Opera Cache
- Google Chrome Cache
- Windows Temp
- User Temp
- Recycle Bin
- Java Cache